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These options are essential for OSCAR to correctly communicate with any other OSC-application. As OSCAR delivers some default TotalMixFX layouts, the following explanations will refer that you want to control TMFX. Anyway, other applications will have similiar configurations.

TMFX-Software <-> Tablet

First, make sure that you are in the same network as your computer. Then you have to tell TMFX the correct IP address of your Tablet (OSCAR shows these information). Choose a port for incoming and outgoing messages in the TMFX settings dialogue. I will choose 8000 for incoming and 8001 for outgoing messages. Also make sure that OSC-messages are enabled in TMFX.

In the OSCAR OSC-settings dialogue, you can enable the left server and disable the right server, as we do not need it for now. Now enter the IP-address of your computer in “Left IP” and 8000 for outgoing port and 8001 for incoming port.

The configuration is now done. Check “Automate OSC profile” if you want OSCAR to save these settings for the specific WLAN network name (which is called SSID).

To test you setup, start the control screen in the mixer layout. Press “outputs” (or playback or inputs) to initialize all widgets.
Finally, have fun controlling TMFX with OSCAR.

TMFX-Software <-> Tablet A <-> Tablet B

The easy way to use more than one tablet to control TMFX is setting up more than one client in the TMFX settings (make sure you are using the newest version of TMFX). The setup of both tablets will be analogue to the explanations above. But what to do, if you have more than 4 tablets/phones to communicate with TMFX? This scenario is realistic, if your band uses TMFX to control the monitor mixes and everybody uses his own tablet/phone to control his mix.

Here comes OSC-Daisy-Chaining. You can setup more than one tablet to use one client port on TMFX. These tablets will be synced, thus two people cannot control their mix at the same time, but they can do it one by one, without having to exchange the tablet. Please also have in mind that Tablet B needs an active Tablet A. Some devices can leave their WLAN enabled when shutting down the display, but not any device does so!

First configure Tablet A and the TMFX-Software as described in the first scenario. Now enable the right server on Tablet A and enter the IP-address of Tablet B. Use 8002 as the right outging port and 8003 as the right incoming port. On Tablet B, enable the left server and disable the right server. Enter the IP-address of tablet A at left server, 8003 as outgoing left and 8002 as incoming left.

Now enjoy the Daisy-Chaining feature of OSCAR.